Ludovica Scarpa

„In time, even grass becomes milk“
(Charon Singh)

Lecturer at Iuav University, Venice (soft skills, negotiation, self-management, problem-solving)

Member of the Board of trustees, Federal German Education Foundation (Stiftung Bildung):

Conflict mediator, communication facilitator, systemic counseling, certified Mindfulness trainer.
Berliner Gesellschaft für Mediation

Counseling is empowerment, not therapy. We can learn unconditional self-acceptance and love our vulnerabilities just as well as our nobility as human beings. We can learn to take responsibility for ourselves and respect our social needs. Our wish to live in peace both with ourselves as well as with others.

No school teaches us the “social skills” and the competencies that our multicultural society expects from us.

Together we can learn “to care and not to care” (T.S. Eliot), to feel empathy and to be accepting towards difficulties. We feel better as a result, with positive effect on our health.

“You don’t need to feel bad, if you want to feel better”
(Virginia Satir)